Too Much Information

All about Debbie Newman, MA, MFT

(Shameless Self-Promotion)

I'm Chief People Person for Working Relationships.  As a solution-focused professional with direct experience leading people, projects, and programs, I contribute to client success by crafting seriously fun learning solutions, helping with individual and organizational change initiatives, facilitating services to improve relationships in and out of the workplace, coordinating consulting teams, and finding new ways to put the learning assets of Working Relationships to work for you.

I seem to have become best known for the "Train-the-Trainer Boot Camp" programs I design and facilitate.  It's been gratifying to receive such complimentary evaluations from the hundreds of novice/veteran trainers, training managers, and subject-matter experts who have attended these events; and it feels great to know that so many alumni describe their boot camp experiences with me as "life altering" and "the best workshop" they've ever attended.

Anyone who knows can tell you I'm a technology junkie and an early adapter to all things revolutionary and innovative.  I'm particularly enthusiastic about using 3D virtual reality platforms for distance learning.  If face-to-face learning isn't feasible, I don't think there's a more engaging or immersive distance learning approach, on or off the planet, better suited for replicating the spontaneity, immediacy, and authenticity necessary to develop people skills and interpersonal intelligence; but, I digress ... back to patting myself on the back ...

I've authored dozens of articles for the Santa Clarita Magazine.  I was recently featured as guest on a local radio broadcast, and was also a featured 'gamer' on  (For those who know of Thiagi, this is really cool!!!)  I've designed, developed, and delivered hundreds of hours of highly interactive learning simulations, blended learning programs, and activity-based instructor-led workshops.  Finally, I am particularly proud to be the co-author (along with Harry Eggleton) of a series of self-help survival guides for the workplace that feature:

  • The Employee Survival Guide to the Performance Review

    How to Keep the Praise in Your Appraisal  (Plus a Manager's Edition)

  • The Employee Survival Guide to Teamwork
    How to be Your Team's MVP (Most Valued Player)

  • The Employee Survival Guide to the Corporate Jungle
    How to Tame Workplace Wildlife and Business Beasts 
    (Also in a blog)

After I was elected to and served as President of the Board of Directors for the Los Angeles Chapter of the American Society for Training and Development, I was complimented with that organization's prestigious Frank Rabwin Leadership Award and have, over the years, also been recognized with honors for distinguished service and outstanding contribution.

All evidence to the contrary, I prefer to let my work speak for itself.  I've gotten this far solely on reputation and relationships, and have been lucky to get to make a living doing what I love so much (learning) without having to do what I hate so much (selling).  Alas, public relations and e-marketing gurus have convinced me that shameless (my word) but sneaky (my word again) self-promotion (ugh) is required in cyberspace, and is the price I must pay to continue to get to do this work in the 21st Century.  So, here I am, pushing the boundaries of my comfort zone (sigh).  (Hmmm, this bio seems to be turning into a journaling exercise!)

Separate and apart from what I do as a learning professional, is my work as a licensed marriage and family therapist in private practice. After more than a decade doing more "paper pushing" than "people helping" as a human resources generalist, I went back to school, completed a Master's degree, volunteered thousands of hours at community-based family service agencies, and ultimately earned a license from the State of California which, for all intents and purposes, authorizes me to be an emotional baggage handler and a professional meddler (hehe).

Seriously, working as a therapist affords me a unique opportunity to make a meaningful and lasting contribution, one person and one relationship at a time.  I know this work has helped me become a more effective facilitator, a more learner-centered trainer, a consultant with greater sensitivity to the needs of others, and an all-around better human being.  But, you need not take my word for it...see for yourself!

If you want to know more, just ask me!  (Click here to send me a direct email).